Cauldron Born screen print on handmade paper

$ 50.00 

  • Cauldron Born screen print on handmade paper
  • Cauldron Born screen print on handmade paper
  • Cauldron Born screen print on handmade paper
  • Cauldron Born screen print on handmade paper
  • Cauldron Born screen print on handmade paper
  • Cauldron Born screen print on handmade paper
  • Cauldron Born screen print on handmade paper
  • Cauldron Born screen print on handmade paper
  • Cauldron Born screen print on handmade paper

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What emerges from the cauldron will be your power given flight. 

          A cauldron bubbles and glows with all the hallmarks of a powerful transformation. Among the billowing steam a shadow emerges and two membranous wings pierce through the vapor. Born of the spell, a mighty dragon takes flight. Its piercing screech is music to your ears as you realize— within the serpentine body of this wondrous creature is your wish manifest. On swift wings, power, magic, and passion lead you on your path. (into the future)

          More than any other object, the cauldron is synonymous with magic. The two are intertwined through centuries of ritual practices, mythology, and folklore— Where there is a cauldron, there is the potential for magic. At its fundamental core, the cauldron is a symbol of transformation, that which emerges from its depths is always greater than the sum of its parts. It is a place where power resides, where magic and manifestation meet. A place where transformation occurs.

          The dragon is a symbol of passion, fire, strength, transformation, and power. Finding immortality in art, folklore, and mythology throughout countless cultures across the world, the dragon’s captivating elusiveness has come to represent mystical powers and hidden knowledge. Its presence indicates a spiritual awakening or great transformation is taking place. Spiritually, dragons are the embodiment of inner strength and signify personal power. They are a guiding force that leads you to your greatest self.

          In Cauldron Born, a spell manifests in the shape of a dragon. The creature arises as an embodiment of your fiery will and unleashed power. Emerging from a cauldron— the ultimate place of transformation— the winged wonder is a reminder of the vast power you hold within you and the many transformations that have helped you rise to your greatest potential.

Cauldron Born is original artwork, hand drawn and screen printed by Adrienne Rozzi.

- Printed with black ink on handmade paper. Each print is signed by the artist

- Each piece of paper varies, measuring anywhere from approximately 9" x 11.5" to 9.5" x 12" (inches).

- This special paper has raw edges. Due to the organic nature of this paper, the shape is not always a perfect rectangle. As part of the handmade process, each piece of paper has an array of organic inclusions such as contrasting fibers, natural wrinkles, and variations in texture. These inclusions are meant to be embraced as a tell-tale sign of the handmade process and they make each piece look ancient and raw, reminiscent of a sacred spellbook page.

Paper colors:

Nightwing - Deep dusty violet.
Sandsnake - Earthy brown-tan (similar to the color of a paper bag)
Firedrake - Cool burgundy reminiscent of deep blood and russet earth.

**It is best to display this print in a spot where it is not in direct sunlight. Because of the unique paper-making process, the color will lighten slightly when exposed to direct sunlight over a long period of time.

As always, please review my FAQ page before every purchase.

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